We count users of the services we provide directly in different ways, according to where we reach them:

  • Households – population served by water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in or near people’s homes.

  • Schools – school population plus staff.

  • Healthcare facilities – total number of patient visits over one year plus staff.

We count people as having been reached with good hygiene through better facilities, and through behaviour change activities when they have been exposed to those activities at least three times in a year.

The global figures we share refer to the people we directly reach through services delivered together with our partners. They only show part of our impact – to make lasting change happen on a massive scale, we also:

  • convince governments to change laws;
  • link policy makers with people on the ground;
  • change attitudes and behaviours;
  • pool knowledge and resources; and
  • rally support from people and organisations around the world.

Through this work we benefit many more people than those shown above.

Since 1981 we’ve directly reached:

  • 28.1 million people with clean water.
  • 28.8 million people with decent toilets.
  • 26.1 million people with good hygiene*

*We count people as having been reached with good hygiene through better facilities, and through behaviour change activities when they have been exposed to those activities at least three times in a year.