Dissemination of preliminary survey results with Dhaka WASA personnel

26 January 2023
DWASA dissemination event

WaterAid in collaboration with Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) has organised a dissemination event on 24 January 2023 for officials of DWASA in presence of honourable Managing Director and CEO, Engr Taqsem A Khan and other deputy managing directors. The results of the preliminary survey were presented by Mr Md Tahmidul Islam, Technical Advisor - WASH, WaterAid Bangladesh. This survey covered 62.5% of the domestic connections available within the service area of DWASA, and it was intended to update the management information system (MIS) database of Dhaka WASA to support the extended study on introducing area-based water tariff for Dhaka city.

Previously, WaterAid in collaboration with DWASA, has conducted a technical study to develop proposition to introduce an area-based water tariff system for Dhaka city and disseminated the results jointly among sector actors. The technical study was inspired by Bangladesh government aspirations towards an equitable tariff distribution for all income groups and in light to this, Dhaka WASA is planning to cross subsidise tariff for the lower income groups as well as reduce Government subsidy for this institute.

DWASA dissemination event 2
Image: WaterAid/ Yeasin Arafat

Engr Uttam Kumar Roy, Commercial Manager of DWASA moderated the dissemination event, where Engr Taqsem A Khan, Managing Director and CEO, DWASA and Mr Partha Hefaz Shaikh, Director – Policy and Advocacy, WaterAid Bangladesh addressed the audience on behalf of their respective organisations. They emphasised on the importance of understanding the complexity of consumer group in Dhaka city and stressed on the need and effectiveness of area-based water tariff for Dhaka compared to progressive or increasing block tariff.

The presentation from Mr Tahmid contained brief methodology of the study including data collection procedure, data analysis, their results, and ways forward. The findings of the extended study also identified future scopes for DWASA to implement a robust area-based water tariff system. After the presentation, the floor was opened for the participants to share their opinions and queries regarding the preliminary survey. Many valuable takeaways were there as participants were very enthusiastic in expressing their valuable opinions and recommendations for the development of area-based water tariff model. This extended study results will help WaterAid and DWASA to calibrate the model to ensure the tariff model is pragmatic for Dhaka. Participatory Management initiative for development (PMID) conducted the field survey on behalf of WaterAid and DWASA.

DWASA dissemination event 3
Image: WaterAid/ Yeasin Arafat