Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Brief: Issue #2

Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) Brief: Issue #2

According to the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) in 2021, only 39% of households in Bangladesh have access to safely managed sanitation services. Citywide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) is a public service approach that seeks to strengthen core public system functions of responsibility, accountability, and resource planning and management. WaterAid Bangladesh, in collaboration with the CWIS-FSM Support Cell of the Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) and the Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB), has launched a learning series on CWIS. In this second issue of the brief, we’ve demystified the ‘Responsibility’ function of CWIS with respect to national policy documents to support municipalities to understand their responsibilities related to safely management sanitation and FSM in Bangladesh.

This brief provides key directives from Local Government Act (LGA), Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Faecal Sludge Management (IRF-FSM), and National Action Plan (NAP) for implementing IRF-FSM for municipalities. The brief is available through the link below and is best suited for A1-sized paper for printing. It is a clickable PDF, therefore you may access relevant policy documents by clicking their names.