Do WASH Infrastructures conform to Nature Based Solutions? An exploration of FSTP at Shakhipur

This report, first of its series, Does WASH Infrastructures conform to Nature Based Solutions. An exploration of FSTP at Shakhipur is an assessment to understand whether existing WASH technologies conform to IUCN’s global guidelines on Nature based Solutions (NbS).
The report highlights challenges and achievements, potential avenues to expand our existing Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (FSTP) at Shakipur which was recognized by the Bangladesh Government in the 8th FYP. WaterAid undertook this study in collaboration with International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD).
Contributing Authors: WaterAid Team - Adnan Ibne Abdul Qader, Partha Hefaz Shaikh, Faysal Abbas, Sumon Saha, Shakhawat Hossain, Hasin Jahan