Final Report on Assessing the Natural Springs of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)
The study analyzed the current status of total seventeen springs, of which seven springs were assessed in the previous study and ten springs were taken new. In follow-up springs, water flows of the springs have reduced/decreased compared to the previous years, especially during dry season the springs are drying up. The status is changed from ‘as it is’ to ‘reduced’ in two springs out of seven follow-up springs. Water availability in springs and spring dependent sources largely varies between dry season and monsoon. According to the local people, acute drinking water crisis arises during the dry season when some springs dry out and some even become dead in this period. Among the springs, water availability is higher in Nibichan, Kiwkhong and Supchari compared to other springs. Availability of drinking water from those springs was reported to be adequate during monsoon, whereas in the remaining 14 springs, adequacy of drinking water drops down in dry season than in monsoon.