Bashiron | The Community Caretaker

Bashiron had an interest in sewing and knitting from her childhood. From her interest, she joined a garment factory to enhance her skills and in providing additional financial support to her family. Unfortunately, Bashiron lost her job in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The family does not have enough money to afford a decent living as now they have to depend on the sole breadwinner of the family, Bashiron's husband who works as a rickshaw-puller. A family of four, Bashiron lives with her family in a small one-room flat in Gazipur. In the closely packed neighbourhood, Bashiron has to pay Taka 3000 as rent.
“Through the cleanliness initiative, I receive monthly stipend. From this money I can fulfil the little wishes of my children and can buy sanitary napkins for her myself.”
Through the cleanliness campaign by H&M Foundation and WaterAid, Bashiron received training on cleanliness. Later on, she cleans and disinfects the community premises, keeping everyone safe from Covid-19. In front of a large courtyard, where Bashiron sweeps twice a day and makes soapy water and disinfectants in the area to keep her community people safe. She receives taka 600 monthly for this volunteer job. Bashiron feels happy and satisfies while cleaning the premises as she says the job did not only made a strong bond between the neighbours but also the people started trusting and rely on her. The feeling has built community spirit and support for collective action to fight against Covid-19. Now Bashiron feels a sense of ownership in her community and is being loved by her neighbours.