To date, 98% of the Bangladeshi population is under basic water coverage. However, there is a vast difference between coverage and quality of water available.
According to the lastest Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Report of 2022, the proportion of Bangladesh’s population with access to safely managed water is at 59.11%. Despite progress on overall improved water coverage and achieving the MDG water target, access to safe water for all remains a challenge. Only 14.94% of the population is under piped water supply – 2.9% of which are in the poorest quantile. Contamination of water is also of particular concern, with 86% of the poorest households showing E. coli contamination along with 16.7% of the population consuming arsenic water.
of the population have access to safely managed water
of the population have access to safely managed water

of the population is under piped water supply
of the population is under piped water supply

poorest household’s water contaminated with E. coli
poorest household’s water contaminated with E. coli

Climate impact on water
Bangladesh stands as the 7th most vulnerable country to climate impact. Frequent floods, cyclones, tidal surges etc. affects freshwater supplies with deeply entrenched saline intrusion in coastal communities – leading to negative health and economic outcomes

Climate and its impact on water isn't exclusive to the coastal regions of Bangladesh. In the hilly north-eastern Bangladesh, climate events damage soil, affecting agricultural productivity.

Check the following video to understand why the climate crisis is a water crisis:
Water quality and safety are persistent issues. Discharge of domestic wastewater and seepage of onsite sanitation facilities continue be real threats, with unimproved sanitation, unfavourable soil conditions and small distances between pit latrines and tubewells in many rural areas compromising water quality. Alongside, over-extraction of groundwater has been leading to a sharp decline of the water table – around 3m/year for Dhaka city, and 50-100 cm/year in Bangladesh on average.
Yes, the water burden is great in Bangladesh and it is up to us, our partners, and most importantly, you, to pave the way forward.
Want to collaborate with us? Shoot an email our way with a proposal on ways we can work together.