Country Programme Strategy (April 2023- March 2028)


Building on the gains we achieved so far and the organisation’s 10-year Global Strategy(2022 – 2032) that made bold commitment to end the water, sanitation and hygiene crises together – for everyone everywhere, WaterAid Ethiopia developed the five years’ Country Programme Strategy for the period 2023 – 2028 with the following core priorities:

  • To achieve universal, sustainable and safe WASH services in focused geographic areas and
  • Strengthen the resilience of WASH to climate change


We will apply an approach that has five key aspects that cut across our priorities:

  • Overarching approach: WASH System Strengthening
  • Key aspects of the approach:
  • Service Delivery and Capacity Strengthening
  • Influencing
  • Partnership and alliances
  • Gender equality and social inclusion
  • Evidence, learning and innovation


The strategy will be implemented at national, sub-national and local levels. Our strategic regions will be Amhara and Oromia Regional States with possibilities of expanding to other regions based on strategic significance, emerging needs, and opportunities as well as context changes. Our universal WASH access Aim will be implemented in selected woredas/ districts and towns while the resilience of WASH to climate change Aim will be implemented in few woredas and towns across the strategic regions depending on its strategic relevance, available resources, and growth ambitions of the organization.


We have targeted to reach five million underserved people with sustainable and safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services and behaviour change across the five years of the strategy period.

 Click here for reading the full strategy document of WaterAid Ethiopia