
Posted by
WaterAid Japan
23 August 2021
Portrait of Parul Begum, recently she received RWHS plant from climate resilience projects funded by HSBC and WaterAid. People of the Paikgacha coastal area use the RWHS (Rain Water Harvesting System) device to store rainwater for drinking in Shibbati ...
Image: WaterAid/ DRIK/ Habibul Haque

ストックホルム世界水週間(World Water Week)は、ストックホルム国際水研究所(Stockholm International Water Institute)が主催する、世界の水問題について考えるイベント・会議です。毎年、スウェーデンのストックホルムで開催され、世界130以上の国から研究者、政策決定者、企業、NGO等が参加しています。

2021年の世界水週間は、2021年8月23日~27日にオンラインで開催されます。今年は、「より速くレジリエンスを構築する(Building Resilience Faster)」をテーマに、気候変動など多様な水問題に対処するための解決策に焦点を当てます。ウォーターエイドは、今年、ジェンダー、気候変動、衛生と健康などのテーマで、複数のセッションに関わっています。



  1. 各セッションに参加するためには、こちらのページより「登録(registration)」を完了してください。
  2. 登録後、こちらのページよりログインしてください。各セッションのページにて、「Reserve Spot」ボタンをクリックすると、そのセッションが、ご自身の世界水週間スケジュールに追加されます。






Self-supply's potential for increased resilience and water security

23 Aug,
08.00 - 09.00

Water security

This session will be repeated on 26 Aug, 14.00 - 15.00

Evaluating gender and social equality in WASH

23 Aug,
10.00 - 11.25

Equality and inclusion


Will the WASH response to COVID-19 strengthen supply chain resilience?

23 Aug,
13.00 - 14.00

Business and supply chain resilience


One billion voices for inclusive and climate
resilient WASH

23 Aug,
13.00 - 14.00

Climate change,
Equality and inclusion


Re-imagining the future of hand hygiene

23 Aug,
21.00 - 22.00

Hygiene and health


Building resilience by challenging social norms: fostering gender-transformative WASH programming

23 Aug,
22.00 - 23.00

Equality and inclusion


Climate finance for WASH: reaching those most in need

24 Aug,
13.00 - 14.00

Climate change


Empowering local communities to tackle NTDs, WASH and climate change

24 Aug,
14.00 - 15.00

Climate change


Climate and water quality: building resilience through water safety planning

24 Aug,
19.00 - 20.00

Climate change,
Water security


Five years on: WASH4Work business leadership
and setting the next agenda

25 Aug,
07.00 - 08.00

Business and supply chain resilience


The business case for building community resilience in corporate value chains

25 Aug,
18.00 - 19.00

Business and supply chain resilience


Intersectoral cooperation: a catalyst for climate resilience and SDG6 acceleration

25 Aug,
19.00 - 20.00

Climate change

This session will be repeated on 26 Aug, 08.00 - 09.00

Accelerating sustainable transformation of the textile sector

25 Aug,
21.00 - 22.25

Business and supply chain resilience


How might we prevent vulnerable groups from being left behind?

26 Aug,
10.00 - 11.00

Equality and inclusion


Putting people first: citizen-centric climate adaptation and mitigation in water

26 Aug,
19.00 - 20.00

Climate change,
Equality and inclusion


Betting on complementarity to achieve universal access to safe water

27 Aug,
10.00 - 11.00

Water security


Integrity for inclusive urban sanitation

27 Aug,
11.00 - 12.00



Citywide inclusive sanitation: how far have we come?

27 Aug,
13.00 - 14.25



Supporting resilient communities through WASH and energy services in healthcare

27 Aug,
17.00 - 18.00

Hygiene and health