The Government of Nigeria
In 2019, WaterAid and the Government of Nigeria through the Federal Ministry of Water Resources signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide technical assistance and capacity strengthening support to stimulate sector actors towards achieving the longer term goals of the National Action Plan. The goals of the National Action Plan is to ensure universal access to sustainable and safely managed WASH services for every Nigeria by 2030 and institutionalise the enabling environment required to support the effective and sustainable management of Nigeria’s WASH services.
Civil Society and the media
We also work with civil society organisations and the media to empower citizens to recognise and claim their water and sanitation rights, while holding government accountable to campaign commitments and clamoring for increased investment in the WASH sector.
The National Task Group on Sanitation
We are part of the National Task Group on Sanitation (NTGS) - a national coalition group on sanitation inaugurated in May 2002 to serve as a coordinating mechanism for promoting sanitation and hygiene issues in the country. Under the auspices of the NTGS, we raise awareness on sanitation and hygiene; coordinate sanitation delivery at national level; monitor programme implementation; and advocate for effective sanitation delivery at all levels of government.
The private sector
Additionally, we have started working closely with the private sector, partnering with them to improving financing mechanisms for WASH, and encouraging water stewardship using their expertise for new innovations and technologies.