For the past couple of years, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, we have been focusing on improving public private partnerships (PPP) in the WASH sector. We believe the private sector have a key role to play in local capacity building, technological upgrading and investment promotion activities. Effective PPP can help to deliver affordable and quality WASH services.

So far, we have been working to facilitate PPP with Water Authorities, Community Based Water Supply Organizations, Local Government Authorities (LGA), Central Government and Development partners. This means that we need to create the right policy environment that enables and invites private sector to collaborate with the public sector. 

Our work on PPP is just beginning, however, we have already joined hands with several private sector organisations, such as eWATERpay Ltd, and microfinance institutions, to work with us on our projects.


Key milestones so far include facilitating the forum on Enhancing PPP in the WASH sector. A declaration was signed by key stakeholders demonstrating their commitment to improve this. We are subsequently part of the taskforce that is now putting together the action plan for PPP. We similarly organised a PPP workshop with Government, financial institutions, development partners and utilities, to present them with different PPP models.
