How Google, partnering with WaterAid, is expanding access to clean water in India

3 min read
Image: WaterAid/ Ronny Sen

March 23, 2023

WaterAid is proud to work with Google as part of their water sustainability program. During the Week of the The UN Water Conference, Google highlighted the work they are doing to support access to clean water and hygiene in Hyderabad, India.

The project specifics include:

  • 25 Handwashing Stations. WaterAid is building 25 handwashing stations in schools, early childcare centers and healthcare facilities in and around Hyderabad. 

Handwashing is one of the most effective and reliable ways to cut the spread of illness. Equipping schools and healthcare centers with handwashing facilities, benefits the staff, students and patients who use these services.

  • 21 Water Projects. WaterAid is building water systems in schools and healthcare centers throughout Hyderabad.

Improved water infrastructure, alongside the handwashing stations above, will help everyone who uses these services to stay hydrated and healthy. It will also make routine cleaning easier, which is of paramount importance in a healthcare.

  • 20 "last-mile" Water System Upgrades in 20 communities around Hyderabad.

WaterAid is improving household drinking water access through last-mile pipe infrastructure upgrades. In this instance, "last mile" serves as the connection between the piped water system and the household or community. When clean water is more accessible closer to home, the community can go on to thrive, less time is spent collecting water and there is more for work or school.

All of these projects together, will equip 9,000 local residents in Hyderabad with clean water.

Please visit The Google Blog to learn more about the project. 





  • 2 billion people, or 1 in 4, still lack safely managed drinking water. 
  • 3.6 billion people, nearly half the world’s population, lack safely managed sanitation. 
  • 2.3 billion people do not have access to basic hygiene facilities 

From advocacy to engineering, we cover a lot of ground, but the fundamentals of our work are simple:

Clean water infrastructure means people can access clean, running water 365 days a year.

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Toilets matter more than you might think. Sanitation is fundamental for the dignity and health of a community.

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Hygiene is the final piece of the puzzle. Good hygiene helps people stay healthier, it prevents the spread of diseases and allows people to flourish.

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