Nothing makes sense without water - not even shark movies | WaterAid

4 min read
Nothing makes sense without water, not even shark movies | WaterAid
Image: Universal Pictures

Here at WaterAid, we think about water a lot. It is everywhere and underpins everything in our daily lives, from hydration to personal hygiene.  Beyond this though is the role of water in the movies we all watch. From shark movies (JAWS being the pinnacle of the shark-terror experience, if you disagree, fight me) to Hitchcock: water is everywhere. 

So here's our re-imagining of popular films, without water. 


Would Chrissy even go to the beach at night if it wasn't for the opportunity of a late night swim with a boy she liked? Probably not because a beach at night without water is a vast expanse of nothing. It's just creepy. Following this logic, Chrissy lives! She goes on to live a pleasant life in Amity Island and she joins the PTA.




What if Baby doesn't have the the time of her life that summer? What would that look like?

She'd be in the corner, listening to her sister prattle on about her awful  boyfriend, Robbie. Did she imagine the chemistry with the dreamy-but-complicated dance instructor a few weeks ago? Did it fizzle out because they just couldn't connect when she was learning to dance? If she had been able to practice the lift - would have things have gone differently? What's a gorgeous ingenue to do?

Our re-working of Dirty Dancing is presented for your consideration.



What is all this about?

Children wash hands in Government Primary School, Padripani village, Naharpur block, Kanker district, Chhattisgarh, India


Clean water drives everything. How we live, how we grow. Now into our 40th year of water and sanitation projects in over 30 countries and thanks to our supporters, we have made enormous progress. Now 9/10 people do have clean water access. However reaching the last 1/10 people, some 771 million people, is the last hurdle to clear. This video and the others that will follow are the fever-dream of the marketing department. When water is missing from some classic films, nothing really makes sense. When water is missing from daily life, nothing else really makes sense. 

How you can get involved

This is a problem we know how to fix. Once it is fixed, communities are much better equipped to thrive and become economically independent. Water really is just the beginning but we need your help to make this happen. 

Becoming a water supporter is as easy as 1, 2, 3:

1) Sharing is caring

Share our shark movie tribute with your network. It's edu-tainment! If anyone is looking for extra credit you could also share your own #withoutwater photos or videos. After all, the Statue of Liberty loses some of her majesty if she's just a giant statue in some wasteland on the outskirts of Manhattan. Tag us when you do as we want to see! @wateraidamerica on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

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2) Don't be a stranger

Sign up to receive either texts or emails. We sent monthly emails about our work and infrequent (but dazzling) text messages to our community, to keep them in the know about our progress and what we are up to. Text 'cleanwater' to 474747 for text messages. 

3) The classic - donate

Donations fund our work, from the hardware used in a water project to our massive, global Covid-19 response. Donations are vital if we're going to keep the taps running. 

Whether via credit card, crypto or stock - donations are tax-deductible and all help!

From advocacy to engineering, we cover a lot of ground, but the fundamentals of our work are simple:

Clean water infrastructure means people can access clean, running water 365 days a year.

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Toilets matter more than you might think. Sanitation is fundamental for the dignity and health of a community.

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Hygiene is the final piece of the puzzle. Good hygiene helps people stay healthier, it prevents the spread of diseases and allows people to flourish.

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