There are loads of great ways to raise money at your school, with activities that kids will love. If you have any ideas you want to add, just contact our Community Team!
Go Blue!
Donate $1 to dress up in blue, paint your face blue or wear a water-themed costume. Try a pirate or a mermaid!
Cake sale
Give your cakes a WaterAid twist with blue icing or blueberry fillings!
Hold a sponsored cycle or scoot to help other kids get clean water and decent toilets for the first time.
Sponsored water walk
Organize a sponsored walk for your class (or the whole school!) and experience what it’s like to walk for water every day, while raising money for clean water.
Send in your donations
Please send your checks (made payable to 'WaterAid America') to WaterAid, 233 Broadway, Suite 2705, New York, NY, 10279.