Sending in your donations
Paying in methods
You can send in your donation in a number of different ways:
If you’re making a bank transfer please use the following details:
Account name: WaterAid America
Account # 4123425423
Routing #121000248
Make sure you also fill in and send us the donation form below. Without the form, we won't know where the money has come from, or be able to thank you for your generosity!
If you’re sending in a check, please make it payable to WaterAid and send it to:
233 Broadway, Room 2705
Please also fill in the relevant donation form (see above) and send it to us along with your check.
If you want to pay your money in over the phone, or you have any queries about the paying in process, you can give us a call at +1 212-683-0430 we'll be happy to help.