3.7 million people don't have clean water.
3.7 million people don't have clean water.
That's one in five people.
11.2 million people don't have a decent toilet.
11.2 million people don't have a decent toilet.
That's half the population in Mali.
Over 4,700 children under 5 die a year from diarrhea.
Over 4,700 children under 5 die a year from diarrhea.
Caused by dirty water and poor toilets.
A school's first time with taps
The AMALDEME medical educational centre in Lafiabougou, Bamako District, offers therapy, education and training for up to 600 children with learning difficulties.
The centre’s water tower was old and cracked, and the supply polluted, forcing staff to buy water using precious funds. Only three of the 30 toilets were usable, so children had to use pots outside.
Working together, we fixed the tower and installed handwashing basins, fitted taps and got the toilets working again. “Now we drink clean water without worry and we don't queue or waste time for the toilet,” said Sougalo Traore, who runs the centre.
Children with learning difficulties can often feel stressed. Sougalo told us that his students feel calmer with the new facilities. Most of the children didn’t know what a tap was – now they are a normal part of life.
Diallo Assita, who is in charge of the school here, told us how these changes mean the centre can better help the children learn, integrate socially and prepare for adult life. “I can't say how great and useful the support received is," says Diallo. "It pleased us so much. Water is life and happiness."