5.1 million people don't have clean water.
5.1 million people don't have clean water.
That's half the population.
Four in five people don't have a decent toilet.
Four in five people don't have a decent toilet.
That means over 8.2 million people go without.
Over 350 children under 5 die a year from diarrhea.
Over 350 children under 5 die a year from diarrhea.
Caused by dirty water and poor toilets.
A healthier start for babies
Together with local people we installed 11 tap stands in Musangan Village, East Sepik Province. With a nearby supply of clean water to drink and to wash children with, everyone is happier and healthier.
For a new mother like Leonie, a clean water supply can mean a safer start to her daughter Madison's life. “My baby hasn’t been sick, she is happy,” she says.
The community in Musangan were involved in every stage of planning and building, meaning the villagers feel ownership of the new facilities. Now everybody is confident maintaining the taps and toilets, the whole of Musangan can keep them working properly for good.