
The COVID-19 pandemic requires a global response. 4 in 10 households worldwide still don’t have soap and water, meaning people cannot wash their hands to protect themselves from coronavirus.

WaterAid Canada has been working hard to help communities slow the spread of COVID-19. In Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso and Pakistan, we are working with Global Affairs Canada to provide increased access to inclusive, gender-sensitive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure and materials in healthcare facilities, public spaces and communities. We're also increasing awareness of healthcare facility staff and community members of key hygiene behaviors to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

To compliment the hygiene behavior change campaigns, WaterAid Canada is installing emergency handwashing stations across hospitals, healthcare facilities, high traffic areas (such as markets) and underserved rural and urban communities to ensure the availability of safe water and soap for handwashing.

Our global response to COVID-19

In 2013 WaterCan, a leading Canadian charity with 26 years' experience, joined the WaterAid federation and became WaterAid Canada.

WaterAid Canada now partners with other members of the federation, the Government of Canada, Canadian companies and philanthropic organization to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to clean water.

Through their hard work, strong partnerships, and amazing supporters, they are changing lives with projects like Project Boond in the State of Bihar in India, HerWASH: Menstrual Health and Sexual Reproductive Health in Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Pakistan and Liberia, WASH for Healthy Learning in Lilongwe, Malawi and the Deliver Life program in Tanzania.

Delivering clean water in Tanzania

“Having safe water with in the school compound is very good because we can clean anytime of the day while at school.” Benita (15) and Grace (14) using their newly built water tap at their Primary School in Tanzania.

Benita and Grace, members of Kakora Primary School Health Club, for the firtst time collecting water from a newly built water tap in their school, Kakora Primary School, Nyanghwale District, Tanzania, June 2018.
Image: WaterAid/James Kiyimba

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