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Water is Life - WaterAid's campaign to equip hospitals with clean, running water

Water is


The same scenes play out in hospitals around the world. Some of our greatest joy and fears are experienced in hospitals. From the joy of a new baby, to the relief that comes when an injury is treated, hospitals, and the medical professionals who provide the care, are an important pillar of our communities

But, half of health care facilities worldwide lack basic hygiene services with water and soap.

This winter, we want to change this. The photograph below outlines how we might go about equipping a hospital with clean water infrastructure. To serve the staff, the patients and the wider community.

Hospital Water Project Rendering: Mozambique

Rays from the sun power solar panels.

Solar energy powers a water pump.

A well drilled 60 meters deep ensures clean water, year-round.

It cost $107 per meter of drilling

Water is pumped to a large, chlorinated storage tower. The price for a water tower starts at $2,500.

So it is available even on cloudy days.

The storage tank supplies water points for nearby houses.

So clean water is that much closer to home.

Handwashing stations around the hospital ensure medical workers can wash their hands between patients.

Handwashing stations cost $167

And that patients can wash, new moms can bathe themselves and their babies, and the cleaning staff can clean more thoroughly.

We'll build two outdoor toilet blocks, including an accessible toilet.

Toilet blocks cost $700

We'll also build enclosed incinerators for safe disposal of medical waste.

All facilities will be climate resilient, so they can withstand flooding and cyclones.