Making change happen globally

WaterAid is a leading international not-for-profit, determined to end the global water, sanitation and hygiene crisis, for good

We started in 1981, when several UK water companies came together to find a solution to a global crisis that had left billions without water, toilets or hygiene.

In 2010, WaterAid became a global federation of national member organisations. Today, we have seven members: Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the US.

Each member organisation mobilises support in its country, engaging individuals, companies and institutions to raise funds and influence policies to support our mission.

Making change happen on a global scale

We collaborate on regional and global advocacy and campaigns to influence governments, companies and international institutions. Australia, India, UK and US also manage and fund country programmes, like this one in Madagascar, on behalf of our global network.

Image: WaterAid/ Ernest Randriarimalala

WaterAid International

WaterAid International was created in 2010 to help the members of the WaterAid federation work together effectively and efficiently. It follows four principles:

  • Global interest: Achieving WaterAid's mission as effectively as possible is fundamental to all we do, and global interest is paramount.
  • Subsidiarity: WaterAid International will only undertake activities that it can deliver more effectively than WaterAid member countries.
  • One country, one WaterAid: WaterAid will only have one organisation delivering our work in each of the countries where we operate.
  • Sustainability: The members of the WaterAid federation will be organisations that are, or are expected to become within a reasonable time-frame, self-sustaining and able to contribute significant resources to the delivery of WaterAid's strategy.

The international board and secretariat are collectively responsible for:

WaterAid's work is steered by a global strategy with four overarching aims. The strategy guides our programme and funding priorities, our growth and development as a federation, and provides the framework against which we can assess our progress. The board and secretariat coordinate the development, monitoring, review and reporting of the global strategy, coordinate the global annual planning process, and agree our global priorities. We ensure that the programmes of work developed and delivered by each member meeting our global aims and take us closer to the realisation of our mission: making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene a normal part of everyday life for everyone, everywhere.

We aim to have a strong and diverse federation with a strong supporter base in key countries around the world. We want to be effective in mobilising funds and influencing the policies and priorities of governments and companies. To do this, we work to develop the skills of all our members, and agree when and where to invest in new members and new country programmes where WaterAid can have most impact.

WaterAid international works across the federation to help our members build effective and influential relationships with key global actors, including governments, donors and private companies, making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene a reality for even more people every year. You can read about some of these partnerships on our member sites.

As a global organisation with teams in 30 countries, we need processes and systems that work, enabling the free flow of funds, people and knowledge around the federation.  We often refer to this as the organisational plumbing.  WaterAid international’s role and responsibility is to coordinate the development and continuing efficiency of these processes, ensuring that we can be more effective in our work as a federation than we could be as individual organisations.

WaterAid international sets the membership criteria and standards across the federation that maintain our global reputation and brand, promote strong and well governed members, and present WaterAid as a cohesive and unified organisation. The international board agrees the standards for how we work, dealing with core areas such as financial probity, safeguarding, health, safety and security, people management, and service delivery. It coordinates the development and observance of these standards and criteria by members, and owns and licences the WaterAid brand to our members.

WaterAid international promotes a culture of mutual collaboration across the federation to drive our collective impact, and manage our collective risks. This approach is supported by effective, efficient, and accountable governance of our global federation (PDF) through the international board and its committees and delegations.

WaterAid International is a charitable company, registered in the UK with the Charity Commission, registration number 1137900 (England & Wales) and at Companies House, registration number 07238796. Our governing document is our Articles of Association (PDF). Our Board of Directors (Trustees) includes the chair of each full member organisation, currently Australia, Canada, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the US. One additional trustee from WaterAid UK is also appointed. Chairs of our associate members, currently India, attend by invitation of the WaterAid International chair.

Our Board

Maureen O’Neil, Chair of the Board, WaterAid International 

Portrait of Maureen O’ Neil, the newly elected Chair of the Board of WaterAid International

Maureen was appointed to the WaterAid International Board as Chair from 1 August 2020. Maureen has worked in international development in executive and governance capacities since 1989. Previous positions include: President of the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement; President of the International Development Research Centre; Interim President of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development; President of the North-South Institute; and Deputy Minister of Citizenship, Government of Ontario.  

She is the former Chair of the Board of the UN Research Institute for Social Development. She has represented Canada on the UN Commission on the Status of Women, and on OECD committees, and has been a member of the UN Committee for Development Planning and the Board of the UN Research Institute for Social Development. Maureen is an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Mohamed Beavogui

Mohamed Beavogui

Mohamed is a former Prime Minister of Guinea and a retired United Nations Assistant Secretary General. He was the first elected Director General of the African Risk Capacity and held senior roles at the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). He also chaired the United Bank for Africa in Guinea. He was appointed to the WAi Board in 2024. 

Portrait of Andrew Towle

Andrew Towle

Andrew Towle joined the WAi board in January 2023 on his appointment as Chair of the WaterAid America board. Andrew grew up in India and Thailand, and has spent his professional life creating value for some of the world’s best-known consumer goods companies, including Procter & Gamble, Heinz, Georgia-Pacific, and Kellogg’s. He was the CEO of private equity-owned Urnex Brands. Andrew is currently a partner at NGN Investment Partners. 

Andy Green, Chair of WaterAid UK

Andy Green CBE

Andy joined the board in October 2020 and is Chair of WaterAid UK. He holds a number of Chair, Non-Executive Director and advisory roles, including at WWF-UK, the DEC, the Lowell Group, Airtel Africa and Link Administration Holdings. He is passionate about how technology transforms business and daily lives, and global sustainable development. Andy was President of UK Space, CEO of BT Global Services, CEO of Logica and Chair of Digital Catapult. 

A head and shoulders photo of Martin Munro

Martin Munro

Martin joined the board in June 2022 and is a retired engineering and technology professional. He was VP for Strategy and Business Development with DRS Technologies Canada Ltd, and held senior positions with Allen Vanguard, Cubic Field Services Canada, and Lockheed Martin Canada. He is a member of the Professional Engineers of Ontario. He has lived in Papua New Guinea, working on health infrastructure.

A portrait photo of Karlene Maywald

Karlene Maywald

Karlene is Chair of WaterAid Australia, appointed in 2021. She is Managing Director of Maywald Consultants and holds a broad portfolio of board positions including chairing the CRC for Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture, Food and the Environment; the Peter Cullen Environment and Water Trust; and the Cancer Council SA. She is a Director of the Australian Water Association and is the South Australian Water Ambassador.


Professor Mala Rao OBE

Mala is Senior Clinical Fellow at the Dept of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London and has extensive experience in strengthening health systems and workforce development for public health in the UK, India and SE Asia. She campaigns on the health aspects of climate change and is passionate about the integration of WASH and health policy and delivery. Mala was appointed to the WaterAid UK board in 2017 and to WaterAid International’s board in 2018.

Portrait of Michael Arthursson

Michael Arthursson

Michael is Chair of WaterAid Sweden and joined the WaterAid International board in June 2023 and. He is the Secretary General of Centerpartiet in Sweden. He has run companies with a focus on social issues and development, and has been active within the City of Stockholm, Stockholm County Council, the Red Cross and other non-profit organisations. He was one of the founders of the green liberal think-tank Fores and its first board Chair.

Portrait of Hiroaki Furumai

Hiroaki Furumai

Hiroaki is Institute Professor of Chuo University's Research and Development Initiative and a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. He has a doctorate in engineering from the University of Tokyo and engages in research on urban water infrastructure and conservation. He is the director of the IWA, and the chairman of the Japan Society on Water Environment, the Japan Water Works Association and the Japan Sewage Works Association.

Sumit Bose

Sumit Bose is Chair of Jal Seva Foundation (WaterAid India) and an Associate Board Member of WaterAid International. He joined the Indian Administrative Service in 1976 and has held senior roles in the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. He was Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Vice Chair of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, Chair of the Board of Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy, and Public Interest Director of the Bombay Stock Exchange since 2016.

Our Global Director

Andrew McCracken is WaterAid International’s Global Director

Image of WaterAid international’s Global Director, Andrew McCracken.

Andrew joined WaterAid in February 2021 from the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland where he was Chief Executive. Prior to that he worked with Tearfund for 13 years, including three years as Global Fundraising Director. He is also on the Boards of Oxfam Ireland and the CyberPeace Institute. 

Andrew leads the WaterAid International secretariat and works closely with WaterAid's Chief Executives and Boards to maximise our collective impact and develop the WaterAid global network.

Our annual reports

Our annual reports let you meet the people changing their lives, and see how your support is making a lasting difference around the world.

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Global strategy

By working together, we can enable entire communities to unlock their potential, break free from poverty and change their lives for good.

Top image: Zelmonia and Israel splash water from a water tap in Dalubo, Timor-Leste.

Second image: Tendani, Raymond and Sidney wash their hands and faces at the outside handwashing station of their primary school's new sanitation block in Limpopo province, South Africa.