WaterAid is an international Non-Governmental Organisation dedicated to helping people escape from suffering caused by lack of safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene. WaterAid's mission is to transform lives of the poorest and most marginalized people by improving access to safe water, improved sanitation and hygiene in the country's underprivileged communities.
1 in 3 people in Malawi don't have access to clean water.
1 in 3 people in Malawi don't have access to clean water.
That's 5.8 million people.
13.8 million people don't have access to a decent toilet.
13.8 million people don't have access to a decent toilet.
That's more than half of the entire population.
More than 3,100 children die every year.
More than 3,100 children die every year.
Caused by dirty water and poor sanitation.
The Titukulane Program has delivered 180 boreholes in Mangochi and Zomba districts, providing safe and clean water to over 51,000 individuals. The WASH component of the program involved the rehabilitation of 150 boreholes and construction of 30 new ones.
Meet the people
Meet the people
Meet the people at the heart of our work: cleaners, health workers, teachers, students, change-makers.
What we do
What we do
We build on the success of past programmes and scale them up to reach even more people with water and sanitation services that last.
Learn the facts
Learn the facts
1 in 3 people in the world don't have a decent toilet of their own. 1 in 9 don't have clean water close to home.
Since 1999 WaterAid has been working in Malawi to ensure that there is an increased focus on water, sanitation and hygiene at all levels and across all sectors. Working in partnership and collaboration with numerous stakeholders, WaterAid has made significant strides towards improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene through a variety of projects implemented in the districts of Machinga, Zomba, Balaka, Ntcheu, Chikwawa, Mangochi, Dedza, Lilongwe, Salima, Dowa, Mchinji, Ntchisi, Kasungu, Nkhotakota, Mzimba, Rumphi, Karonga and Chitipa.
WaterAid has modelled provision of WASH in schools, health care centres, Early Childhood Development centers (ECDs), towns and communities through the construction and rehabilitation of boreholes and reticulated water supply systems, water kiosks, rehabilitation and expansion of gravity fed systems and construction of sanitation infrastructure in schools, healthcare facilities and urban markets. WaterAid works with other sector players on policy and advocacy initiatives, focusing on enhancing sector coordination, integrated planning, resourcing and implementation at both national and decentralized levels, and sector performance monitoring and accountability.