The project is targeting two Health Care Facilities (HCFs) in Ntchisi, a rural district in the central region of Malawi. The two HCFs, Mndinda and Nthondo serve catchment populations of 10,780 and 27,902 people respectively. The facilities have been targeted because they are unable to provide a safe and clean environment for health service delivery due to the poor status of water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management facilities and practices. Women, children, youth, men and health care workers seeking or providing services at these facilities are therefore at risk of acquiring or spreading infections.
The project is thus addressing the following challenges: inadequate and poorly managed WASH infrastructure, and weak hygiene and infection prevention and control practices in HCFs. These challenges will be addressed through provision of new and rehabilitation of existing water, sanitation, hygiene and waste management infrastructure; capacity building and resource planning for operation and maintenance of the infrastructure; hygiene behaviour change and infection prevention and control promotion.