Artificial Recharge of Dug well Through Roof-Top Rain Water Harvesting Artificial Recharge

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Dug Well Artificial Recharge
Artificial Recharge of Dug well Through Roof-Top Rain Water Harvesting Artificial Recharge

Recharge of groundwater is a normal process. A part of the rainfall, that falls over the land surface, flows over the land – called runoff or overland flow. Another part of the rainfall evaporates back into the atmosphere and the 3rd component infiltrates into soil.

The infiltrated water percolates downward and also laterally, under the force of gravity, and ultimately joins the water table and recharges the aquifer. Besides, natural recharge also takes place from stored or flowing surface water - like rivers, tanks, lakes, etc provided the water table of the area lies below the bottom of that. Such recharge is a part of the water cycle and helps in the natural replenishment of groundwater resources in aquifers.

The term Artificial Recharge refers to the transfer of surface water to the aquifer by human interference. The natural process of recharge is accelerated by enhancing the rate of infiltration and percolation by way of a manmade facility. It can be achieved by either way or a combination of both; (i) Extending the availability of water over the surface and (ii) enhancing the rate of movement of groundwater to soil and vadose zone.

Read the complete document to know more about the process and how artificial recharge can be helpful in the longer run.