In WaterAid Bangladesh, we emphasise on consolidation of the past programme accomplishments,  replication and scaling-up successful models for sustainability.

We aim to address WaterAid’s objectives of ensuring water and sanitation rights, hygiene promotion, capacity development of sector stakeholders, generation and dissemination of critical knowledge, policy change and institutional development.

Image: WaterAid/ DRIK/ Habibul Haque

Influencing & Enabling

Our Influencing & Enabling (I&E) programme aims to strengthen sectoral policies, planning and capacity towards more capable and coordinate responses to emerging WASH challenges. This cross-cutting programme builds on a long history of key strategic contributions to national policies and strategies in Bangladesh’s WASH sector.

Image: WaterAid/ DRIK/ Habibul Haque

Rural WASH

Our Rural programme intends to address these issues and make a lasting change in the lives of the poor through ensuring inclusive and sustainable WASH services in households, healthcare facilities and schools for the most vulnerable and excluded communities in remote rural areas, including tea gardens, hill tracts, and char and haor areas.

Image: WaterAid/ H&M Foundation/ GMB Akash/ Panos

Urban WASH

In Bangladesh’s rapidly urbanising context, thousands of people are being added to the country’s slums each year, with little or no recourse in sight. These overcrowded urban settlements are characterised by poor infrastructure, lack of access to basic services, and exposure to disasters and climactic risks, creating conditions of unsanitary environmental and public health.

Image: WaterAid/ GMB Akash/ Panos

Climate Resilience

Our Climate Resilience programme works with communities and local government to introduce participatory methods of assessing vulnerability to climate change and disasters. Building on indigenous knowledge and local coping strategies, we are innovating disaster-resilient technologies that are cost-effective and widely adaptable.