There’s clean water and toilets at the Totcomana School!
When we first visited the Totcomana School in La Guajira, Colombia the students had no access to clean drinking water and no safe place to use the bathroom. This resulted in missed days of school due to illnesses caused by contaminated water.
Things have changed now, and that’s thanks to supporters like you and the incredible WaterAid country program teams! Thanks to everyone that supported our ‘Let Kids Learn’ project 29 schools in Nicaragua and Colombia will now have clean water, sanitation and hygiene education.
Totcomana was the first school to have these three essential elements. Learn more about the project.
"It feels good now that there’s clean water here at school."
Paola is one of the awesome fifth graders at Totcomana. On any day you can catch her reading the dictionary, playing hide and seek, freeze tag or catch. She especially likes math and plans on becoming a doctor someday!

Hygiene Education
The handprints, by the children, track the journey from the bathroom to the hand washing facility (inside the school). The orange prints represent dirty hands, the red prints represent contaminated hands and the blue prints represent clean hands!

New school update!
Clean water arrives at the Jichikat School!
The 18 students at Jichikat now count on clean water to drink and to wash their hands, bathrooms for boys and girls and a new kitchen/cafeteria area.