Scoping study: Business Development opportunities from USAID

Scoping study: Business Development opportunities from USAID

Context and Purpose

WaterAid  is  a global federation, comprised of seven members: Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States[1].

Globally, WaterAid has a long history of support from members of the public and corporate donors. It also has a modest portfolio of private foundations, bilateral, and multilateral donor support, including from USAID. The federation has ambitions to increase its portfolio of institutional[2] partnerships, and grow its global income, to achieve its global strategy and vision.

WaterAid America[3] is a major contributor to the Federation in terms of influence and financial support from USAID, and private and corporate foundations. WaterAid America recognizes the potential of USAID partnership in terms of fundraising but also regarding influencing significant global development programs. At this time, WaterAid seeks to assess the pros and cons of more active and intentional pursuit of USAID funding and the implications of how we might grow that funding.

This consultancy work will help inform whether or not USAID should be a larger part of our strategy to achieve our ambition of significantly increasing restricted income. WaterAid needs a more detailed map of USAID as a donor and be clear on the implications of choosing to position ourselves as a partner of choice.


Scope of work

This study will identify;

  1. Key funding mechanisms of USAID (grants, contracts, Grand Challenges, innovation funds, OFDA/humanitarian funds etc.)
    1. What they are
    2. How they work
    3. What sectors are supported by each (sectors relevant to the scope of this study)
    4. Recommendations for the type(s) of funding mechanisms WaterAid might prioritize (aligned directly to the rest of the report)
  2. Key opportunities provided by—and barriers created by—USAID policies and strategies, which govern USAID’s overseas investments
    1. USAID Water and Development Plan for WaterAid support, including those that require investments outside the Water Office

Other USAID strategies and policies relevant to WaterAid’s Global Strategy, funding priorities, and campaigns, potentially including but not limited to the Multi-Sectoral



[2] In this TOR, “institutional” refers to restricted funding from private foundations, bilaterals and multilaterals.


Application instructions

Qualified applicants are invited to email their CV, at least two references, and a cover letter describing similar work to [email protected] by 31 July 2018 with the email subject 

About WaterAid

WaterAid is the #1 international nonprofit exclusively focused on clean water, hygiene and sanitation.  To advance our goal of ensuring access to WASH for everyone, everywhere by 2030, WaterAid America (WAA), a Member of the WaterAid global federation, is seeking a senior consultant with deep knowledge of USAID programming, processes and funding mechanisms to produce a Business Development Scoping Study.

Specifically, WaterAid’s international leadership will utilize the Study to assess USAID with respect to our ambitious goal of ensuring access to WASH for everyone, everywhere through our strategy of significantly increasing restricted income. WaterAid expects the consultancy to develop a map of USAID as a donor and use their expertise to detail the implications of choosing to position ourselves as a partner of choice.

The consultancy will be managed by WaterAid America (with offices in New York and Washington, DC), with support from the WaterAid UK’s Director of Institutional Fundraising and Partnerships.