It's been several months since WaterAid acquired Water for Waslala and began working in San Jose Dipina.

San Jose Dipina is a vibrant community located 25 miles east of the town of Waslala. With a population of 370 inhabitants distributed among 79 homes and 97 families, you will always be welcomed with open arms, good humor and kindness.

Currently, community members must walk up to a half a mile each way to fetch water from unprotected streams. To bring a lasting solution to the lack of access to clean drinking water, the people of San Jose Dipina are working with local partner El Porvenir and the Waslala Municipality on the construction of a life-changing gravity fed piped water supply system that will provide clean drinking water 24/7.


Photo: WaterAid/Joshua Briemberg


Projects under construction:

  • The catchment of a mountain spring located one mile away from the community
  • Two storage tanks with a total volume of 8,000 gallons
  • More than 8 miles of pipe
  • 79 tapstands


Photo: WaterAid/Joshua Briemberg


Creating new opportunities with the community

An innovative sanitation plan focused on community management and micro-credit is bringing exciting new possibilities to San Jose Dipina.

During the first week of September, community members launched a pilot program to train men and women for the construction of improved pour flush toilets sanitation systems.

Along with practical training and knowledge sharing, the people of San Jose Dipina are developing their skills to guarantee the sustainability of these projects.

An inspiring example of how, together, we can provide better and more dignified sanitation facilities for rural families, this project would not be possible without your generous support.

Thank you for being part of this amazing journey in Waslala and stay tuned…the best is yet to come.