Your tax-deductible donation today will help support communities to access life-changing clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene.


Disclaimer: You may be eligible for a tax deduction at tax time for your charitable donation over $2. These figures are based on current ATO resident individual Income Tax rates and do not include the Medicare Levy of 2%. The amounts shown in the charity tax benefit calculator above are a guide only and WaterAid does not provide legal or tax advice. Calculator created with the Australian Tax Office available tax deduction figures by ATO Tax Calculator. ATO Tax Calculator are not affiliated with the Australian Tax Office and have provided WaterAid use of the above calculator for general purposes only. You should always consider your personal circumstances and, if necessary, seek independent financial advice before donating.

Your support today can help bring clean water to communities that will keep flowing through droughts. WaterAid will also train communities and governments to monitor and manage their water supplies through drought and other effects of their changing climate.

As more families find their water drying up, they must choose between water that could be making them sick, and none at all.

Will you help make a change by donating today?

Leticia Jesayu (55) walks across a dried landscape to collect water in Puloichon, La Sabana, Colombia. January 2021
Leticia Jesayu (55) walks across a dried landscape to collect water in Puloichon, La Sabana, Colombia. January 2021
Image: WaterAid/ Keoma Zec

Only certain donations qualify for a tax deduction. You cannot claim a deduction if you receive a personal benefit for your donation (for example if you buy a raffle ticket, buy merchandise or pay to attend a gala ball). The ATO provides more information about gifts and donations.

This article contains general information only. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances. You should obtain independent professional advice in relation to your particular circumstances and issues if you need clarification of any matter.