To make change happen we influence those people with the power to act. We bring our supporters and local communities together to encourage decision-makers to make the necessary investment in water and sanitation.
The number of taps and toilets we can build each year is limited by the size of our staff and the funding available. If we’re going to change normal for everyone within a generation, governments and service providers worldwide need to prioritise investing in water, toilets and hygiene. To make change happen on a bigger scale than we can achieve alone, we have to influence how others think and act.

How do we influence?

Policy and advocacy

Changing the policies and practices of governments and other powerful institutions is an effective way of reaching millions more people with clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

We work with our partners to identify solutions. We then present this information to decision-makers – locally, nationally and internationally – and advise them on the changes they need to make.


By bringing together as many voices as possible – supporters like you, local communities, civil society, business, local service providers – we have a better chance of changing the world for good.

You, our incredible supporters, and communities across the world, help hold governments and service providers accountable and accelerate progress to ensure everyone has access to clean water and a decent toilet.