Thanks to incredible people like you, we’re closer than ever before to making clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere.

WaterAid Australia financial review 2023/24

This information has been extracted from the audited WaterAid Australia Annual Report and Financial Statements 2018/19.

Where did the money come from in 2023-24?

WaterAid Australia’s 2023/24 total income was $13.9m, a decrease of $2.6m or 16% compared to the prior year. In 2023/24, we successfully completed the f irst year of extension of our major grant - Water for Women - funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). DFAT contributed significantly to our mission, by funding $4.1m of our work, representing 29% of our total income (2022/23: $7.9m or 48%). 2023/24 fundraising income was $6.5m, a 21% increase on the prior year (2022/23: $5.3m). Support from the water sector remains a positive component of our fundraising effort. WaterAid Australia also received total funding of $2m via other members of the WaterAid International Federation (2022/23: $1.9m).

Where did the money go in 2022/23?

Total expenditure in 2023/24 was $14.4m, a decrease of $4.5m or 24% from the prior year (2022/23: $18.9m). Our programmatic work made up 64% of our total expenditure, fundraising investment were 27% and accountability and administration totalled 10%. We efficiently and effectively maintained our commitment to the Australian public of being a transparent and accountable organisation.

Income: $13.9 million

Expenses: $14.4 million

Program expenditure: $9.2 million

Code of conduct

As a signatory to the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Code of Conduct, we are committed to high standards in financial reporting, management and ethical practice. Further information on the code and its complaints handling procedure is available at

WaterAid Australia’s Constitution is available by clicking here.

ACFID member