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Our Impact

Our Impact

Each year, we get closer to a world where everyone, everywhere has clean water.

Together, we make the biggest impact.

woman drinks from glass while holding pregnant bumb

Mastewal Gebremichael, 26, drinks water from a glass, Ambomesk, Ethiopia

Mastewal Gebremichael, 26, drinks water from a glass, Ambomesk, Ethiopia

So far, we have directly reached...

28.5 million

people with clean water.

Toilet logo

29 million

people with decent toilets.

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27.8 million

people with good hygiene.

So far, we have directly reached 28.5 million people with clean water...

29 million people with decent toilets...

...and 27.8 million people with good hygiene.

school boys enjoying clean water out of taps

Tefy, 10, with his best friends, washing their faces and drinking water at the handwashing station of their school sanitation block in Madagascar.

Tefy, 10, with his best friends, washing their faces and drinking water at the handwashing station of their school sanitation block in Madagascar.

woman celebrating water

Each year, we work with communities so they can change their lives for good.

2022/23 was no different.

We reached over 2 million people directly with clean water.


people in communities.


school children and teachers.


people in healthcare facilities.


people through public facilities.

One of those people was Dinke Atnaw in north Ethiopia...

Like most women in her village, Dinke is responsible for managing the household chores for her family, including collecting water.

Around the world, millions of women and girls like Dinke walk long distances to collect water, often from unsafe sources like rivers, ponds and holes in the ground. This leaves them little time for an education, paid work or free time.

Dinke lived with the worry of giving her baby water that she knew was unsafe:  

It was very difficult to live without accessing water. We used to spend most of our time waiting for our turn to get water and the water was not clean.

Thanks to funding from our supporters, we worked with Dinke’s community and partners to improve water and sanitation at five local schools and five healthcare facilities. 

We have also set up a successful Water User Association where elected local voices listen to community needs, make decisions and strengthen local government capacity to maintain services in partnership with the local community. 

We reached over 1.4 million people directly with decent toilets.

young girls running away happily from toilet block
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people in communities.

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school children and teachers.

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people in healthcare facilities.

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people through public facilities.

When heavy monsoon rains and floods left over a third of Pakistan under water, you stepped up to help build emergency toilets...

A tractor stuck in a partially submerged road

A tractor gets stuck in a partially submerged road when monsoon flooding engulfed all dry land between Johi Tehsil and Dadu City in October 2022.

A tractor gets stuck in a partially submerged road when monsoon flooding engulfed all dry land between Johi Tehsil and Dadu City in October 2022.

We are not an emergency response organisation. However, when a disaster directly affects the communities we work with, we take action to ensure people have clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

Thanks to your donations and Zakat funding, we worked in partnership with local NGOs to help those affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan in 2022.

Asma, a 10-year-old girl living in Sindh, Pakistan shares how the floods destroyed facilities in her school. The school was closed for months and even when it reopened, there wasn't enough water.

It felt like we were losing precious time from our education and missing out on the joys of being in school.

We were able to repair and renovate the facilities so children could get back in school. We also put on a handwashing event.

Since then, hand washing has become a habit for us schoolchildren, not only at school but also at home.

I have taken the initiative to educate my parents on the proper technique and significance of hand washing.

We've reached over 1.4 million directly with good hygiene.

boy washing hands

We reached 1,420,049 people in communities through learning good hygiene practices.

woman standing outside hygiene facility

We reached 1,598,909 people through building better hygiene facilities.

hills in Timor Leste
young woman washing hands at sink

In the wake of COVID-19, we continued to empower communities by promoting good hygiene.

We worked with local communities in Ethiopia, Nepal, Nigeria and Zambia to develop reliable water, sanitation and hygiene services that are accessible to everyone.

We reached more than 59 million people with key information about hygiene behaviours including through TV, radio and digital channels.

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We led the design of community-based hygiene training packs, which reached 2 million people.

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We built 58 new and restored 291 handwashing facilities across healthcare settings, schools and other public places.

We delivered extensive training to ensure that these facilities are maintained going forward and last well into the future.

people washing hands

Through our campaigning, we helped change 9 national policies.

By working locally, nationally and internationally, we influence change on a large scale.

We empower communities to call on decision-makers to prioritise investments in clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

In 2022-23, our campaigning helped improve the lives of...

We can't change these policies and improve lives without our campaigners across the world.

WaterAid West Africa's #ChangeTheScore sanitation campaign raised awareness of the 256 million people in West Africa living without decent toilets.

teacher presenting to students in classroom

Alimata Zongo, 45, teacher, holding images and talking to students inside a classroom at Basgana’s school, Burkina Faso.

Alimata Zongo, 45, teacher, holding images and talking to students inside a classroom at Basgana’s school, Burkina Faso.

We reached over 19 million people, with over 3,000 people getting involved, creating a community of changemakers across the region who can demand more political action on sanitation.

Through our campaigning, we helped change 9 national policies that will improve the lives of...

What else did we do?

We repaired dams in Madagascar

We worked with Madagascar's national water supply company to repair old, leaking dams which were jeopardising water supply and increasing chance of flooding during rainy season.

We trained young WASH ambassadors in Bangladesh

We empowered 27 adolescent girls from tea-picking communities to advocate on topics such as how to manage periods safely and combat stigma around menstrual health.

We built gender inclusive tiger worm toilets in Liberia

We improved toilets for 3,520 people in eight communities using innovative technology that involves tiger worms to process human waste.

And we keep going...

With your support, we continue to work with communities so they have sustainable and safe water, sanitation and hygiene.

We won't stop until everyone, everywhere has access to these basic human rights.