For over four decades, we’ve worked in partnership with the UK water industry towards our shared vision of clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

A strong foundation

In 1981, members of the UK water industry united to create a single international organisation dedicated to ending the water crisis – and today, our founding partners remain at the heart of what we do.

Passionate water industry volunteers support us at events and host their own around the country, helping spread our message and ensuring WaterAid remains truly grounded in communities across the UK.

Every year, employees and contractors dedicate thousands of hours of their own time to fundraising, campaigning, and raising awareness of our mission.

And over the years, customers have generously donated over £235 million to support our work around the world.

Working in partnership

By connecting the UK water industry with peers in other countries, we create unique opportunities to exchange knowledge, technical skills, and expertise.

By working together, we develop solutions that improve infrastructure, strengthen systems, and create lasting change – not just for communities, but for entire countries.

Our partnerships in practice

Raising funds to support our work

From scaling mountains to hosting events with a difference, every year staff, contractors and volunteers from our partners go above and beyond to raise funds that make our work possible – see just some examples of their efforts below:

Northumbrian Water Group have supported WaterAid since the very start, with their special events always making a splash. Over the years, they've supported our work in Madagascar and elsewhere around the world.

Raising thousands of pounds each year through events like their Step Challenge, Welsh Water employees are currently supporting projects in Uganda, where we're working to improve three supply schemes that provide water to some of the most marginalised communities across the Eastern region of the country.

Employees from across Scottish Water host and take part in a calendar of well-loved events – from balls and golf days, to the breathtaking Munro Challenge – to raise over £200,000 each year.

Munro Challenge participants

Northern Ireland Water have been supporting WaterAid since 1984, raising over £60,000 a year through employee-led fundraising and events.

Ryan McMullan performing at Northern Ireland Water Ball

Contact us

If you’re a member of the UK water industry and you’d like to get involved with our work, or if you have any questions about our partnerships, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you!

Email us on [email protected]