We promise to use your donations to change lives and empower communities through clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

We’re incredibly thankful for your support and it's important you know your money is going to a good place.

We promise you...

We’ll spend your donation well

For every £1 you give, 74p will go on delivering services and making change happen. 26p will go on fundraising and governance, ensuring that your donation is still changing lives.

Mother washing face of young child with her hand
Komola washing her daughter, Shippa, 5, with water from the Rainwater Harvesting System, installed so people in Kolbari have drinking water all year round. Komola, now caretaker of the RWHS, no longer has to walk hours for water.
Image: WaterAid/ Fabeha Monir

We’re here for the long haul

  • We’ll deliver lasting solutions, not short-term fixes. That means we won’t necessarily choose the cheapest option and we’ll always invest time in making the right decisions with, not for, a community.
  • We’ll tackle the cause as well as the effects of dirty water, so that the impact of your support is felt far and wide beyond the project work it funds. 
  • We won’t give up until we’re out of business. We have one vision and we’ll stick to it until clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene are a normal part of everyday life for everyone, everywhere.

Our impact

Each year we reach millions of people around the world, determined to make sure everyone, everywhere has clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene. It's a basic human right. With your support, we are able to empower communities and deliver these services.

Girls showing their clean hands after washing, (L-R) Pushpa, 16, Anjali, 15, Karina, 16, Kajal, 16, Srijana, 16, and Puja, 14, Lahan Municipality, Siraha, Nepal, July 2022.

We value your time

  • You don’t have to donate to WaterAid to help more people have access to clean water. Your skills and your voice are welcome here. We’ll give you opportunities to use your time so that you can help in the way that suits you. 

We’ll communicate with you how you choose

  • We’ll make sure you can see how your gift helps by sharing stories of the people in the communities where we work if we have permission to do so.
  • We’ll communicate with you in the way you choose, and you can change your mind about how we contact you at any time. Just call our Supporter Care team on 020 7793 4594 to let us know how you prefer to hear from us. 

We’re committed to integrity in our fundraising

  • We’re registered with the Institute of Fundraising and the Fundraising Regulator and adhere to their Code of Fundraising Practice.
  • To us, you’re a person, not “data”, and we’ll always take care of the information we have about you. We promise to treat you and your data with respect.
  • We’ll choose the organisations we work with carefully to make sure their standards are as high as our own.
  • We regularly evaluate the effectiveness of our fundraising to make sure we’re getting a good return for your investment.

Ready to make a difference? Just £2 a month can help change someone's life.

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