World Toilet Day activities

Layout 1
Suitable for:
Key Stages 2–4
Resources include:
Assembly presentation, activity sheets.
WaterAid/ Ernest Randriarimalala

World Toilet Day: 19 November

Use World Toilet Day on 19 November to learn more about the importance of decent toilets.

It can be easy to take a simple toilet for granted. But 1.5 billion people – that's almost one in five of us – don’t have a decent one of their own.

Not having access to a decent toilet isn't just undignified – it's dangerous.

With no way of managing human waste properly, diseases spread quickly. Going outside is unsafe, especially at night, and for women and children.

And, when there's no loo at school or work, many people stay at home instead – missing out on important opportunities to get an education, earn a decent living, and improve their lives.

Explore the issues further

Main image: 16-year-old Malala in front of her school's new toilet block, Analamanga region, Madagascar.