Sign up for The Tap Challenge


Create a JustGiving fundraising page, personalise it with your reason for taking part, then share it with family, friends and colleagues. It's the easiest and quickest way to collect sponsorship.

JustGiving Address
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By signing up to The Tap Challenge you are agreeing to receive helpful tips, fundraising resources and information from WaterAid relating to the challenge.

However, we’d also love to keep you updated on how your support is making change happen. We will send you information about our work, campaigns, opportunities to get involved and fundraising. Simply let us know how you’d like to hear from us.

Communications preference

WaterAid and WaterAid Trading will use your data to communicate with you in the ways you have agreed to, and in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We may use your data for administrative purposes. We may also analyse your data and obtain further data about you and your preferences from publicly available and other sources, and may use third parties to carry this out on our behalf. This provides background information about you which helps us to make our communications more appropriate and relevant to your interests. You can opt out of all communications or the ways in which we process your data at any time by contacting our Supporter Care Team on 020 7793 4594 or at [email protected]. For full details, see our Privacy Policy at